

Two important content areas associated with environmental science programs are ecology/natural science topics and awareness of environmental problems/issues. An environmental trip is one of the best tools that we can use to provide every student with real-world experiences. DS Tours & Events knows this point very well and serves in segments.



Adventure travel is a type of niche tourism, involving exploration or travel which may require special skills and physical exertion…. Our rising forms of adventure travel include social and jungle tourism. Well this is not the end, we as a team welcome something new if we discover and add on to make your trip experiential.

Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Scientific travel is a unique type of travel — it is an emerging tourism market. With DS Tours & Events, students get a better understanding of how the theory works in practice. A student while traveling with us we try our best that you obtain the knowledge with experience.

Indian History, Art & Culture

Indian History, Art & Culture

Historical and cultural trip develops student’s knowledge of history of various cities and regions. To make it easier for you to find a history trip to suit your curriculum topic, DS Tours & Events have split our historical school trips into more helpful sections relating to specific periods in history.

All in One

All in One

The day you stop seeking knowledge is the day you stop growing. When you travel with us you learn, when you learn you gain knowledge and knowledge has beginning but no-end. DS Tours & Events gives the student an exposure that covers the environment, adventure, science, technology, history, art and cultural – all in one package.